"MONTAGI-VARNA” Co. is independent joint-stock company with its head office in Bulgaria, town of Varna and administration address: #59, “Konstantin Velichkov” Str., 9004, Varna, Bulgaria; tel.: +359 52 613225,
fax: +359 52 613228.
"MONTAGI-VARNA" Co. is a continuer of founded on 02.01.1955 company named "Industrial Mounting Management " – town of Varna , which activity is mounting of big industrial projects in the field of chemical, cement industry, energetics and other on the territory of Northeastern Bulgaria.
In 1993 "IMM" – town of Varna was re-registered as Joint-stock company “Montagi-Varna” Co., town of Varna by the Varna District Court with case No.2622, dt.15.04.1993 and listed in the register of trade companies under No.18,v. 27,p. 70 on c.c. No. 2622/1993.
The company works with its own turnover resources. It has not got outstanding liabilities to the State and to its personnel.
"MONTAGI-VARNA" Co. has adopted System for management of the quality /SMQ/ certified on ISO 9001:2015.
The scope of system includes : engineering design ,construction ,manufacturing ,mounting and reparation of metal structures ,machines and equipments ,pipelines ,gas installations ,equipment under pressure ,lifting equipment ,I&A electric installation activity. The last control audit of SMQ dated in month X.2009.
Necessary equipment base of the company is situated on territory of Varna and Devnya ,with its own open-air and indoor storage areas ,workshops and service base where the material sources , equipments, light and heavy mechanization and auto transportation are prepared and preserved .
The main storage and production base is situated in town of Varna –West industrial zone and it consists of :
open-air storage area -1200 sq. м with g. j. crane Q=50 kN;
indoor storage area -600 sq. м;
pre-fabrication workshop -500 sq.м.
In town of Devnya the company uses working grounds with open-air and indoor producing areas equipped with telpher outfits to 32 kN.
Ordering ,buying and incoming control of materials is carrying out on the relevant procedures of SMQ. Classifier for incoming control is inseparable part of SMQ.
The main equipment, measuring means , tools equipment and mechanization are buying , preserving , maintaining and exploiting in compliance with SMQ.
In pre-fabrication production workshops in Varna and Devnya are pre-fabricated and gathered separate elements /shaped parts, flange connections, supports, pipe fittings on axiometric drawing, etc./, trough available machines /metal-cutting, cutting, etc./, depending on the requirements of the relevant project, conformable with the possibilities for transport to the place of mounting.
For Nondestructive control /NDT/ of no dismountable joints, mechanical tests, chemical analysis, metallographic analysis and other specific examinations are used the services of licensed authorized companies by agreed frame contract.
During the work at Equipments With Heightened Danger (EHD) are observed in the company the following principle:
After the assignation of relevant construction project ,on the base of existing typical procedures are prepared particular working instructions or technological maps, whereupon the same are submitted to RD “Inspection for state technical supervision” for agreement.
In cases, when is foreseen in project execution of welding joints, trial samples /welding tests/ are carrying out by qualified welders according to BDS EN 287-1:2000.
In dependence on the relevant project requirements the samples are submitted to tests. When the result is positive it is given a permission for commencement of working operations on relevant Equipment with heightened danger.
For evaluation the degrees of faults on welded joints is applied the standard BDS ЕN 25817:1992.
The final results from executed operations on EHD are formed in Technical File /Executive drawings, certificates, declarations for conformity, tests reports, etc./.
The technical file is made in three copies, as the two of them are handed over to the Client and one is stayed in Technical archives of the company.
Nonconformities made during the execution of the activity are managed on approved procedures of the adopted system for management of the Quality (SMQ).
Managing, engineer-technical and producing personnel who numbers 215 persons, consisting of:
Managers: 13
Engineers & Analytical Specialists: 15
Technicians & Other Applied Specialists: 5
Administrative Personnel: 11
Production Qualified Workers & Welders: 154
Machines & Equipments Operators: 17
The same is with high production qualification and legal capacity, they are fulfilling the above mentioned activity on a high technical level at observance of up-to-date international technical norms and standards.
In compliance with requirements of SMQ the personnel annually passes the training courses for increase of qualification and examinations about the arrangement and safety of equipments which they work on.